Illustration showing the historical context of the Kashmir conflict

Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff Asim Munir has spoken out on the Kashmir question, urging the world to end its “silence,” commenting mainly on the ongoing Kashmir struggle. As the head of the Pakistan Army, General Munir’s actions and statements imply a significant warning to the international community: that the Pakistan-India question over Jammu and Kashmir is still ongoing and that the world’s silence is no longer acceptable.

He expressed his displeasure over the international community’s apparent absence when it comes to the Kashmiri people, arguing that the world is silent on Kashmir. His sideshow raises important questions about why the international community does not want to engage in the matter of the Kashmir revolt and what the eventual cost.

This article explores print and broadcast media’s involvement in the Kashmir question on the international level beyond the politics and diplomacy of the question. Additionally, it examines the expense of silence and inaction in the face of the struggle and enmity between Pakistan and India.

Pakistan's Chief of Army Staff Asim Munir delivering a speech on the Kashmir issue

Background on Kashmir

The Kashmir conflict dates back to the 1947 partition of British India when the region’s Hindu ruler decided to accede to India despite the fact that the population was predominantly Muslim. This decision was opposed by Pakistan, which led to the first of several wars between the two countries over the contested region. Over the next few decades, the Kashmir situation has continued to flare up, sometimes erupting into violence and political instability.

Both India and Pakistan have maintained a large military presence in the region, and the Line of Control has been the de facto border between Indian-administered goltogel Kashmir and Pakistani Kashmir. While the state of affairs in the province is currently tense, it is also marked by numerous human rights abuses. In 2019, the Indian government revoked the region’s special status and shut off communication, sparking protests and condemnation from international actors.

Security forces have reportedly used excessive violence against demonstrators, and reports exist of extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detention, and restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly. The province is also characterized by serious development problems, as the existing infrastructure is inadequate, healthcare services and education are scarce, and poverty is rife. The population of Kashmir has been the most affected, with thousands of people being killed or displaced and many others living in constant fear.

However, in spite of these difficulties and risks, the Kashmiri people have a desire for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. Some call for independence from both India and Pakistan, while others hope to join Pakistan or continue the present state of affairs with more autonomy within India. It is impossible for the situation to be resolved without the involvement of the international community, and the international community’s silence on Kashmir only serves to draw out the conflict and suffering.

Asim Munir’s Perspective

Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Asim Munir has recently vented his frustration over the silence of the international community about the situation in Kashmir. Notably, the area continues to experience gross human rights violations and political instability. Munir’s statement shows that the world has completely abandoned the Kashmiri people, with the only way forward towards peace. This statement is essential, given that the COAS represents Pakistan’s military and the government’s opinion on the Kashmir question.

The statement is an invitation to better dialogue and coordination, given that Munir feels that world leaders have let Kashmiris down and only they can help them go through this. Finally, the statement reveals Pakistan’s commitment to giving maximal moral, political, and diplomatic support to the victims of orphans and widows in the armed struggle for the right to self-determination. This way, COAS seeks to destablize the violence cycle and bring stability and economic prosperity to the region.

Demonstrators rallying for Kashmiri rights in a crowded stree

Reasons for Global Silence

In conclusion, the overwhelming silence of the international community on the Kashmir issue is caused by a combination of geopolitical factors, the interests of great powers, and the influence of international diplomacy and trade relations. The complex regional politics of South Asia has formed its difficult balance of powers. The US has long maintained a balance in its relations with India and Pakistan, guided by economic and security interests.

China closely cooperates with Pakistan and has a lot of territorial disputes with India, and it conducted its policy towards Kashmir cautiously. Moreover, Russia has been developing relationships with both India and Pakistan, emphasizing trade, energy, and defense cooperation. It seems apparent that geopolitical factors impede solutions to the conflict. Simultaneously, international trade and diplomacy also exert their influence. Both India and Pakistan are great powers in their regions, which is why hardly anybody is willing to break their political and trade links.

Furthermore, the international community considers the Kashmir issue a bilateral topic between India and Pakistan. Hence, the multilateral bodies also do not take any active action. In general, breaking the silence will require the international community to prioritize the well-being of the Kashmiris and help find a peaceful solution to the conflict.

Impact of Silence on the Region

Overall, the impact of global silence on the Kashmir issue is multi-faceted and multidimensional. Firstly, it affects the lives of Kashmiri people, who continue to suffer as their civil and political rights are violated. Secondly, by remaining indifferent to the conflict, the international community contributes to the spread of fear among people and the prevalence of uncertainty surrounding the future. Thirdly, the inability to reach a positive peace reflects on the attitude towards Kashmir in the international arena.

Overall, it can be summarized that the silence of the world community has various implications for Kashmiris, regional security, and recognition by the global society. The lack of interest in the conflict resolution ensures the permanent status of the issue on the global and regional agenda. High regional tensions also arise since India and Pakistan may get involved in clashes or military standoffs. The conflict should be of concern primarily for South Asian states given the potentials of cooperation and economic development in the region.

At first, the lack of constant information flow and attention of the media supported the misunderstanding or just an indifferent approach to the crisis for the international society. As a result, this perception circle should be broken. Thus, the international community should recognize the conflict and take steps to resolve it peaceably in line with Kashmiri people’s rights and aspirations.

Possible Paths Forward

One way for all these players to make the world hear them is to spread the word about the problem of Kashmir. This can be achieved by conducting special events to in raise public awareness of the issue. Moreover, it might be useful to address the area personally and conduct meetings with local residents. Furthermore, various organizations can undertake specific actions. Thus, international ones like the United Nations must act as mediators during negotiations between India and Pakistan.

From the one hand, they should give an opportunity to negotiate; from the other hand, they must respect the human rights of the local population. NGOs, in their turn, should monitor the actions of the military and police, and produce reports on the human rights situation in the area. Moreover, national governments that are Afghanistan’s allies may use diplomatic channels to exert pressure on the parties in various ways. Finally, with current high information capabilities, digital activism is the feature to accomplish different objectives, including by telling the outsiders about the problem.

International leaders engaged in diplomatic talks regarding Kashmir tensions


The ongoing conflict in Kashmir has remained largely unaddressed by the international community, leading to continued suffering and instability in the region. The global silence on this issue has significant consequences for the people of Kashmir, who are faced with human rights violations, political unrest, and disruptions to their daily lives.
As we have seen, the lack of international attention can be attributed to a complex web of geopolitical factors, the interests of major powers, and the influence of diplomacy and trade relationships. However, this does not absolve the global community of its responsibility to advocate for the rights and well-being of the Kashmiri people.
To break the cycle of violence and suffering in Kashmir, it is crucial for the international community to amplify the issue and work towards a peaceful resolution. By raising awareness, fostering dialogue, and encouraging the involvement of international organizations and other stakeholders, we can ensure that the world’s silence on Kashmir is replaced with a robust and sustained effort to bring peace and justice to the region. If you found this article informative and thought-provoking, we invite you to delve deeper into pressing global issues by exploring our piece on Green Sky, where we explore innovative solutions for environmental challenges.